All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
Agm |
AllPowerFinder |
Algorithm that finds all powers in [pMin, pMax].
AnalysisOptions |
Factoring analysis settings.
AParamGenerator |
Interface for generators that produce the leading coefficient a of the quadratic polynomial
Q(x) = (d*a*x+b)^2 - kN used by SIQS.
AParamGenerator01 |
Generator for the a-parameter (or "hypercube"), which is the leading coefficient of the quadratic polynomial
Q(x) = (d*a*x+b)^2 - kN used by SIQS.
AQPair |
An elementary smooth or partially smooth congruence A^2 == Q (mod N).
AQPairFactory |
Creates an elementary congruence of the subclass appropriate for the given large factors.
ArcCosH |
Inverse hyperbolic cosinus function.
ArcCotH |
Inverse hyperbolic cotangens function.
ArcSinH |
Inverse hyperbolic sinus function.
ArcTanH |
Inverse hyperbolic tangens function.
AutoExpandingPrimesArray |
An auto-expanding facade for the segmented sieve of Eratosthenes.
BaseArrays |
Passive data structure bundling primes/powers, modular sqrts and logP-values.
BaseFilter |
Interface for the step filtering some elements out off the (prime/power) base.
BaseFilter_q1 |
BaseFilter that removes the q-values of the a-parameter and their powers from the base to sieve with.
BaseFilter_q2 |
Alternative implementation of a BaseFilter that removes the q-values of the a-parameter and their powers from the base to sieve with.
BaseFilter_qk |
BaseFilter that removes the q-values of the a-parameter and their powers from the base to sieve with,
plus the p that divide k and their powers.
BaseFilter.Result |
Filtering results.
BatchFactorizer |
Factor all entries from a batch file.
BigDecimalConstants |
BigDecimalMath |
Basic BigDecimal arithmetics.
BigIntCollectionUtil |
Utility methods for collections of BigIntegers.
BigIntConstants |
BigIntConverter |
Conversion from doubles to BigInteger with minimal precision loss and no need of slow BigDecimal.
BigIntegerPrimality |
Provides primality probabilistic methods for BigInteger numbers
BigIntGrid |
A two-dimensional grid of big integers.
BigIntPoly |
A simple integer polynomial implementation, once inspired by
(now dead link, sorry)
BigIntTriangle |
A triangle of integers.
BigRational |
Big rational numbers with exact arithmetics.
BinarySearch |
Binary search in bottom-up sorted integer arrays.
Binomial |
Implementation of the binomial coefficient.
BlockLanczos |
Block-Lanczos matrix solver by Dario Alejandro Alpern.
BlockSieveUtil |
BParamTest |
A test of the b-computation numbers reported by [Contini, p.10]
BPSWTest |
BPSW probable prime test.
CANEntry |
A colossally abundant number (CAN), together with some information that was necessary to compute it.
CANIterator |
Iterator for colossally abundant numbers 2,6,12,...
CFrac |
CFrac = Shanks' SQUFOF algorithm + carry along continuant recurrence + collect smooth relations + LinAlg solver.
The original CFrac was implemented by Morrison&Brillhart intending to factor the Fermat number F7 with 39 digits (~130 bits).
CFrac63 |
63 bit CFrac with Knuth-Schroeppel multiplier.
ChebyshevPolynomials |
Computation of values of the Chebyshev polynomials.
CollatzSequenceTest |
Test Collatz or 3n+1 problem.
CollectingCallback |
CombinedFactorAlgorithm |
Final combination of factor algorithms.
ConfigUtil |
Global configuration tasks.
CongruenceCollector |
Collects smooth and partial congruences, and assembles partials to smooth congruences on-the-fly.
CongruenceCollectorParallel |
Collects smooth and partial congruences, and assembles partials to smooth congruences on-the-fly.
CongruenceCollectorReport |
CountingCallback |
Simple callback just counting the primes coming in.
CycleFinder |
Algorithms to count and find independent cycles in partial relations containing partials with 2
or 3 large primes.
Divisors |
Implementations for finding all divisors of an integer.
DoubleBlockHybridSieve |
Combination of a monolithic sieve for large primes > sieveArraySize/3,
and a single block sieve for p < sieveArraySize/3.
DoubleBlockHybridSieveU |
Combination of a monolithic sieve for large primes > sieveArraySize/3,
and a single block sieve for p < sieveArraySize/3.
DoubleBlockSieve |
Double block sieve implementation, essentially following [Wambach, Wettig 1995].
EEA31 |
Extended Euclidean algorithm, mostly used to compute the modular inverse of x (mod y).
EEA31.Result |
EEA63 |
Extended Euclidean algorithm, mostly used to compute the modular inverse of x (mod y).
EEA63.Result |
EgyptianFractionsTriangle |
Computes the number of terms/steps the Greedy algorithm requires
to find a sum of simple quotients for any k/n; 0
EllipticCurveMethod |
Use Elliptic Curve Method to find the prime number factors of a given BigInteger.
EllipticCurveMethodTest |
EulerConstant |
Exp |
Implementation of the exponential function for big decimals.
FactorAlgorithm |
Abstraction of integer factorization algorithms.
FactorArguments |
FactorException |
An exception indicating that a factor was found.
Factorial |
Implementations of the factorial function.
FactorizerTest |
Main class to compare the performance of factor algorithms.
FactorResult |
FactorTest |
Interface for final factor tests when a square congruence A^2 == Q (mod kN) has been found.
FactorTest01 |
Factor test using modular reduction (mod N).
FallingFactorial |
Implementations of the falling factorial (n)_k = (n-k+1)*...*n.
FermatCatalanConjectureTest |
Search for a^m + b^n = c^k with a,b,c , m,n,k integer, a,b,c coprime, and 1/m+1/n+1/k<1.
Gcd |
GCD implementations for BigIntegers.
Gcd31 |
GCD implementations for 32-bit integers.
Gcd63 |
GCD implementations for longs.
Generator<T> |
A generator for a sequence of objects of type .
GlobalFactoringOptions |
Global factoring settings.
HarmonicNumbers |
Computation of harmonic and "hyper-harmonic" numbers.
Hart_AnalyzeCongruences |
Analyze the congruences best matching Hart's one-line factor algorithm when tested with 4kN values,
where k are multiples of some K_MULT.
Hart_AnalyzeSquareCongruences |
Analyze until which s we obtain test == "some square" (mod 2^s).
Hart_Fast |
Pretty simple yet fast variant of Hart's one line factorizer.
Hart_Fast2Mult |
Pretty simple yet fast variant of Hart's one line factorizer.
Hart_Simple |
Simple implementation of Hart's one line factor algorithm.
Hart_Squarefree |
A variant of Hart's one line factorizer using k = 315 * s, where s is squarefree (1,2,3,5,6,7,10,11,13,...).
Hart_TDiv_Race |
A factoring algorithm racing Hart's one line factorizer against trial division.
Hart_TDiv_Race2 |
A factoring algorithm racing Hart's one line factorizer against trial division.
HartLA63 |
Experimental Hart algorithm assembling square congruences from smooth congruences.
HyperFactorial |
IndexSet |
BitArray implementation of an IndexSet, realized in long[], used by the Gaussian solver.
IntCollectionUtil |
Utility methods for collections of Integers.
IntegerPartition |
Integer partition, with nice String output.
IntegerPartitionGenerator |
Integer partition generator, derived from fast multipartite number partition generator.
IsSqrt_Test |
Analyze the moduli of a-values that help the Lehman algorithm to find factors.
JacobiSymbol |
Jacobi symbol.
JacobiTest |
Test of Legendre and Jacobi symbol.
KnuthSchroeppel |
Computation of the Knuth-Schroeppel multiplier k for the quadratic sieve.
KnuthSchroeppel_CFrac |
Computation of Knuth-Schroeppel multipliers for CFrac following
[Pomerance 1983: "Implementation of the continued fraction integer factoring algorithm"].
LegendreSymbol |
Computation of the Legendre symbol using Eulers formula.
Lehman_AnalyzeCongruences |
Analyze the moduli of a-values that help the Lehman algorithm to find factors.
Lehman_AnalyzeCongruences2 |
Analyze a-values that help the Lehman algorithm to find factors, modulo powers of 2.
Lehman_AnalyzeKFactoringMostN |
Try to find the best k-sequence.
Lehman_AnalyzeKFactoringSameN |
Analyze the frequency with which different k find a factor.
Lehman_AnalyzeKMods |
Analyze the frequency with which different k-moduli % MOD find a factor.
Lehman_AnalyzeKProgressions |
Analyze the frequency with which different arithmetic progressions (k = start + step*m) find a factor.
Lehman_AnalyzeKProgressions2 |
Analyze the frequency with which different arithmetic progressions (k = start + step*m) find a factor.
Lehman_AnalyzeKStructure |
Analyze the frequency with which different k find a factor.
Lehman_AnalyzeModPowersOf2 |
Analyze quadratic residues of a^2 - 4kN (mod m) for m=2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,...
Lehman_AnalyzeSpecialArguments |
Lehman analyzer that finds the correct k- and a-values of inputs other algorithms can not cope with.
Lehman_CustomKOrder |
A variant of Lehman's algorithm that allows to arrange the k's in arrays of different "performance levels".
Lehman_Fast |
Fast implementation of Lehman's factor algorithm.
Lehman_Simple |
Simple implementation of Lehmans factor algorithm,
using fast inverse trial division.
Lehman_Smith |
An attempt to reproduce Warren D.
Ln |
Implementation of the natural logarithm function for BigDecimals.
LucasTest |
Lucas probable prime tests.
Magnitude |
MatrixRow |
A congruence used by the matrix solver where the elements have been mapped to integer indices.
MatrixSolver |
Base implementation for a congruence equation system (the "LinAlg phase matrix") solver.
MatrixSolver01_Gauss |
A simple congruence equation system solver, doing Gaussian elimination.
MatrixSolver02_BlockLanczos |
An adapter for Dario Alpern's Block-Lanczos solver.
MillerRabinTest |
Miller-Rabin probable prime test.
ModularPower |
Modular power.
ModularSqrt |
Compute modular sqrts t with t^2 == n (mod p) and u with u^2 == n (mod p^e) using Tonelli-Shanks' algorithm.
ModularSqrt_BB |
Compute modular sqrts t with t^2 == n (mod p) and u with u^2 == n (mod p^e) using Tonelli-Shanks' algorithm.
ModularSqrt31 |
Compute modular sqrts t with t^2 == n (mod p) and u with u^2 == n (mod p^e) using Tonelli-Shanks' algorithm.
ModularSqrtsEngine |
Engine to compute the smallest modular sqrts for all elements of the prime base.
ModularSqrtTest |
MoebiusFunction |
Implementations of the Moebius function.
MontgomeryMult |
Montgomery multiplication, extracted from Dario Alpern's Ecm program.
Mpi |
A multipartite number like [1,3,4,2,0,1].
Mpi_IntegerArrayImpl |
int[] implementation of a multipartite number like [1,3,4,2,0,1].
MpiPartition |
A partition of a multipartite integer.
MpiPartitionGenerator |
A generator for the additive partitions of multipartite numbers.
MpiPartitionGeneratorTest |
MpiPowerMap |
A map from all "subvalues" s of a multipartite number q with 1
Multinomial |
Multinomial coefficient implementations.
Multiset_HashMapImpl<T> |
A set of unsorted elements with multiple occurences.
NextProbablePrimeTest |
Performance test of nextProbablePrime() implementations.
NoPowerFinder |
Dummy implementation of PowerFinder that ignores powers.
NthPrimeUpperBounds |
Bounds for the prime p(n).
NthPrimeUpperBoundsTest |
Test of upper bound estimates for the prime.
NumberGrid<U> |
A two-dimensional number grid with pretty-print method.
NumberSequence<T> |
Interface for number sequences of type T.
Pair<U,V> |
A simple utility class combining two values of arbitrary types to one object.
Partial |
Base class for partial congruences.
Partial_1Large |
A partial congruence having 1 large factor.
Partial_2Large |
A partial congruence having 2 distinct large factors.
Partial_nLarge |
A partial congruence having an arbitrary number of large factors.
PartialSolver |
A Gaussian solver used to find smooth from partial relations.
Pi |
Computations of Pi = 3.1415...
PollardRho |
(INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne)
Pollards Rho method.
PollardRho_ProductGcd |
Pollard's Rho algorithm improved by doing the GCD on products.
PollardRho31 |
31-bit implementation of Pollard' Rho method.
PollardRhoBrent |
Brents's improvement of Pollard's Rho algorithm, following [Richard P.
PollardRhoBrent31 |
Brents's improvement of Pollard's Rho algorithm, following [Richard P.
PollardRhoBrentMontgomery63 |
Brents's improvement of Pollard's Rho algorithm using Montgomery multiplication.
PollardRhoBrentMontgomery64 |
Brents's improvement of Pollard's Rho algorithm using Montgomery multiplication.
PollardRhoBrentMontgomeryR64Mul63 |
Brents's improvement of Pollard's Rho algorithm using Montgomery multiplication.
PolyReport |
Reports about a polynomial generator.
Pow |
Pow2 |
PowerEntry |
Auxiliary class that allows to get the powers sorted bottom-up by the power value.
PowerFinder |
PowerOfSmallPrimesFinder |
Algorithm to find the first powers of all p
Precision |
Relative precision for BigDecimal operations.
PrimeBaseGenerator |
Prime base generator.
PrimeCountsBetweenSquares |
Find #primes between consecutive squares.
PrimeCountUpperBounds |
Bounds for the prime counting function pi(x) = number of primes in (0, x].
PrimeCountUpperBoundsTest |
Test of upper bound estimates for the prime count function.
PrimeGapTest |
Find primes with relatively large prime gaps, say ratios p(i)/p(i-1) > p(k)/p(k-1) for all k > i.
PrimeGapTest.StackElement |
PrimePowers |
Product of primes implemented as an multipartite integer.
PrimePowers_DefaultImpl |
PrPTest |
A probable prime test for arbitrary precision numbers.
Multi-threaded SIQS using Sieve03g.
Multi-threaded SIQS using the single block hybrid sieve.
Multi-threaded SIQS using Sieve03gU.
Multi-threaded SIQS, the fastest factor algorithm in this project.
PSIQSThread |
A polynomial generation/sieve/trial division thread using Sieve03g.
A polynomial generation/sieve/trial division thread using the single block hybrid sieve.
PSIQSThread_U |
A polynomial generation/sieve/trial division thread using Sieve03gU.
PSIQSThreadBase |
Base class for polynomial generation/sieve/trial division threads for the parallel SIQS implementation (PSIQS).
PurePowerTest |
Test for pure powers (with exponent >= 2).
PurePowerTest.Result |
QuadraticResidues |
Methods to generate quadratic residues or test for quadratic residuosity for general moduli m.
QuadraticResiduesMod2PowN |
Methods to generate quadratic residues or test for quadratic residuosity modulus 2^n.
QuadraticResiduesMod2PowNTest01 |
Tests of quadratic residue computations modulo general m.
QuadraticResiduesMod2PowNTest02 |
Tests of quadratic residue computations modulo 2^n.
QuadraticResiduesMod3PowN |
Methods to generate quadratic residues or test for quadratic residuosity modulus 3^n.
QuadraticResiduesMod3PowNTest |
Tests of quadratic residue computations modulo 3^n.
QuadraticResiduesModBPowN |
Methods to generate quadratic residues or test for quadratic residuosity modulus p^n,
where p is an odd prime.
QuadraticResiduesModBPowNTest01 |
Tests of quadratic residue computations modulo P^n.
QuadraticResiduesModBPowNTest02 |
Tests of quadratic residue computations modulo P^n.
ReflectionUtil |
Static auxiliary methods for java objects meta data.
RiemannHypothesisTest |
Tests Robins and Lagarias' Riemann hypothesis tests on colossally abundant numbers (CANs).
Rng |
Simple helper class to generate random numbers.
Roots | root of integers.
RootsReal | root of floating point numbers.
Scale |
Immutable class for precision statements in after-floating point decimal digits.
SegmentedSieve |
Segmented sieve of Eratosthenes based on Kim Walisch's implementation at
SHCNEntry |
A superior highly composite number (SHCN), together with some information that was necessary to compute it.
SHCNIterator |
Iterator for superior highly composite numbers 2,6,12,...
Sieve |
Interface for sieve algorithms.
Sieve03g |
Advanced non-segmented sieve implementation.
Sieve03gU |
Derivative of Sieve03g holding the sieve array in native memory.
SieveCallback |
Segmented sieve callback interface.
SieveParams |
Basic parameters for the quadratic sieve.
SieveReport |
SieveTest |
Test performance and correctness of results of prime sieves.
SimpleSieve |
Simple non-segmented sieve.
SimpleSieve |
Monolithic sieve of Eratosthenes, working only for limits < Integer.MAX_VALUE = 2^31 - 1.
SingleBlockHybridSieve |
Combination of a monolithic sieve for large primes > sieveArraySize/3,
and a single block sieve for p < sieveArraySize/3.
SingleBlockHybridSieveU |
Combination of a monolithic sieve for large primes > sieveArraySize/3,
and a single block sieve for p < sieveArraySize/3.
SingleBlockSieve |
Single block sieve implementation, essentially following [Wambach, Wettig 1995].
SingleBlockSieveU |
Single block sieve implementation, essentially following [Wambach, Wettig 1995].
Main class for single-threaded SIQS implementations.
SIQS_Small |
Single-threaded SIQS implementation used to factor the Q(x)-rests in the trial division stage of SIQS/PSIQS.
SIQSPolyGenerator |
A generator for SIQS polynomials.
Smooth |
A smooth congruence.
Smooth_1LargeSquare |
A smooth congruence with 1 large factor contained as a square.
Smooth_Composite |
A smooth congruence composed from several partials.
Smooth_nLargeSquares |
A smooth congruence having an arbitrary number of large factors.
Smooth_Perfect |
A perfect smooth congruence.
Smooth_Simple |
A smooth congruence from a single AQ-pair.
SolutionArrays |
Passive data structure bundling primes/powers and their smallest x-solutions.
SomePowerFinder |
Base class for PowerFinders that do indeed find some powers.
SortedIntegerArray |
A reused buffer to store small factors temporarily during trial division.
SortedList<T> |
Sorted list.
SortedLongArray |
A reused buffer to store big factors of partials temporarily during trial division.
SortOrder |
Sort orders.
SqrtExact |
Fast recognition of exact integer squares, using the algorithm explained in class SqrtExactTest.
SqrtInt |
Fast sqrt() computation with integer solutions using Herons (or "Babylonian") method
and the built-in Math.sqrt() as initial guess.
SqrtReal |
Compute square root of large numbers using Heron's method with a good initial guess.
SquarefreeSequence |
Sequence of multiplier * {squarefree numbers 1,2,3,5,6,7,10,11,13,...}, BigInteger implementation.
SquarefreeSequence63 |
Sequence of multiplier * {squarefree numbers 1,2,3,5,6,7,10,11,13,...}, long implementation.
SquFoF31 |
Shanks' SQUFOF algorithm, 31-bit version.
SquFoF31Preload |
Shanks' SQUFOF algorithm, 31-bit version.
SquFoF63 |
Shanks' SQUFOF algorithm, 63-bit version.
Implemented according to'_square_forms_factorization.
This Java source file is a multiple threaded implementation to perform an extremely fast
Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) to find Twin Primes <= N.
SSOZJ.Callback<T> |
Stirling |
Computation of Stirling numbers.
StringUtil |
SumOf4Squares |
Stuff concerning sums of 4 squares representations of natural numbers.
TDiv |
Trial division for large arguments.
TDiv_CF |
Interface for auxiliary factor algorithms to find smooth decompositions of Q's.
TDiv_CF01 |
Auxiliary factor algorithm to find smooth decompositions of Q's.
TDiv_CF02 |
Auxiliary factor algorithm to find smooth decompositions of Q's.
TDiv_CF03 |
Auxiliary factor algorithm to find smooth decompositions of Q's.
TDiv_CF63 |
Interface for auxiliary factor algorithms to find smooth decompositions of Q's.
TDiv_CF63_01 |
Auxiliary factor algorithm to find smooth decompositions of Q's.
TDiv_CF63_02 |
Auxiliary factor algorithm to find smooth decompositions of Q's.
TDiv_QS |
Interface for trial division engines to find the factorization of smooth Q(x) with given x.
TDiv_QS_1Large |
A trial division engine where partials can only have 1 large factor.
TDiv_QS_1Large_UBI |
A trial division engine where partials can only have 1 large factor.
TDiv_QS_2Large_UBI |
A trial division engine where partials can have up to 2 large factors.
TDiv_QS_2Large_UBI_BarrettD |
A trial division engine where partials can have up to 2 large factors.
TDiv_QS_nLarge |
A trial division engine where partials can have several large factors.
TDiv_QS_nLarge_UBI |
A trial division engine where partials can have several large factors.
TDiv_QS_Small |
A trial division engine used by SIQS_Small.
TDiv31 |
Trial division factor algorithm using the safe AutoExpandingPrimesArray class.
TDiv31Barrett |
Trial division using long-valued Barrett reduction,
TDiv31Inverse |
Trial division factor algorithm using double-valued Barrett reduction, thus replacing division by multiplications.
TDiv63 |
Trial division factor algorithm using the safe AutoExpandingPrimesArray class.
TDiv63Inverse |
Trial division factor algorithm replacing division by multiplications.
TDivPrimeTest |
A deterministic prime test for N < 32 bit using fast trial division.
TDivReport |
TestMode |
Factoring test mode.
TestNumberNature |
Definition of the "nature" of test numbers.
TestsetGenerator |
Generation of random N that are not too easy to factor.
TestsetGeneratorTest |
Timer |
A simple time recorder.
TimeUtil |
Auxiliary class for formatting time strings.
TinyEcm63 |
A port of Ben Buhrow's tinyecm.c (
an ECM implementation for unsigned 64 bit integers.
TinyEcm63.EcmResult |
TinyEcm64 |
A port of Ben Buhrow's tinyecm.c (
an ECM implementation for unsigned 64 bit integers.
TinyEcm64_MontInline |
A port of Ben Buhrow's tinyecm.c (
an ECM implementation for unsigned 64 bit integers.
TinyEcm64_MontInline.EcmResult |
TinyEcm64_MontSqr |
A port of Ben Buhrow's tinyecm.c (
an ECM implementation for unsigned 64 bit integers.
TinyEcm64_MontSqr.EcmResult |
TinyEcm64.EcmResult |
Uint128 |
An incomplete 128 bit unsigned int implementation.
UnsafeUtil |
Utility to provide a sun.misc.Unsafe instance and manages native memory.
UnsignedBigInt |
A very limited unsigned big integer implementation.
UnsignedBigIntTest |
Test for UnsignedBigInt classes.