Class CycleFinder

  • public class CycleFinder
    extends Object
    Algorithms to count and find independent cycles in partial relations containing partials with 2 or 3 large primes.
    Tilman Neumann
    • Constructor Detail

      • CycleFinder

        public CycleFinder​(int maxLargeFactors)
        Full constructor.
        maxLargeFactors - the maximum number of large primes in partials: 2 or 3
    • Method Detail

      • countIndependentCycles

        public void countIndependentCycles​(Partial partial)
        Counts the number of independent cycles in the partial relations following [LM94], [LLDMW02]. Works for 2LP so far, but not for 3LP yet.
        partial - the newest partial relation to add
      • getCycleCountResult

        public String getCycleCountResult()
      • findIndependentCycles

        public ArrayList<Smooth> findIndependentCycles()
        Finds independent cycles and uses them to combine partial to smooth relations, following [LLDMW02]. Works for up to 3 large primes. (3LP tested with CFrac)
        smooth relations found by combining partial relations