Class RiemannHypothesisTest

  • public class RiemannHypothesisTest
    extends Object
    Tests Robins and Lagarias' Riemann hypothesis tests on colossally abundant numbers (CANs). From page 4 of "Robin showed that, if the Riemann hypothesis is false, then there will necessarily exist a counterexample to the inequality (1.2) that is a colossally abundant number; the same property can be established for inequality (1.1)" Inequality (1.1) (Lagarias): sigma(n) <= Hn + exp(Hn)*ln(Hn) Inequality (1.2) (Robin): sigma(n) <= exp(gamma) n ln(ln(n)) for each n >=5041
    • Constructor Detail

      • RiemannHypothesisTest

        public RiemannHypothesisTest()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] argv)