Class PartialSolver

  • public class PartialSolver
    extends Object
    A Gaussian solver used to find smooth from partial relations. More specialized algorithms could be used here, but the Gaussian solver works quite fine.
    Tilman Neumann
    • Constructor Detail

      • PartialSolver

        public PartialSolver()
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
      • solve

        public ArrayList<Smooth> solve​(Collection<? extends Partial> congruences)
        Solve a partial congruence equation system.
        congruences - the partial congruence equation system
        list of smooth congruences found
      • removeSingletons

        protected void removeSingletons​(List<Partial> congruences,
                                        Map<Long,​ArrayList<Partial>> largeFactors_2_partials)
        Remove singletons from congruences. This can reduce the size of the equation system; actually it never diminishes the difference (#eqs - #vars). It is very fast, too - like 60ms for a matrix for which solution via Gauss elimination takes 1 minute.
        congruences -
        largeFactors_2_partials -
      • createFactor2ColumnIndexMap

        protected Map<Long,​Integer> createFactor2ColumnIndexMap​(Map<Long,​ArrayList<Partial>> factors_2_partials)
        Create a map from factors appearing with odd exponent to matrix column indices.
        factors_2_partials - unsorted map from factors to the congruences in which they appear with odd exponent
        map from factors to column indices
      • solve

        protected void solve​(List<Partial> congruences,
                             Map<Long,​Integer> factors_2_columnIndices)
        Create the matrix from the pre-processed congruences and solve it.
        congruences -
        factors_2_columnIndices - map from factors to matrix column indices
      • cleanUp

        public void cleanUp()
        Release memory after a factorization.