Class Smooth_nLargeSquares

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Smooth_nLargeSquares
    extends Smooth_Simple
    A smooth congruence having an arbitrary number of large factors.
    Tilman Neumann
    • Constructor Detail

      • Smooth_nLargeSquares

        public Smooth_nLargeSquares​(BigInteger A,
                                    SortedIntegerArray smallFactors,
                                    SortedLongArray bigFactors)
        Full constructor.
        A -
        smallFactors - small factors of Q
        bigFactors - large factors of Q
    • Method Detail

      • getAllQFactors

        public SortedMultiset<Long> getAllQFactors()
        Specified by:
        getAllQFactors in class AQPair
        all Q-factors with exponents. This method is only called in the final test of null vectors found by the smooth solver; but then it is needed for a whole bunch of AQPairs.
      • getNumberOfLargeQFactors

        public int getNumberOfLargeQFactors()
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfLargeQFactors in class AQPair
        the total number of large factors of Q in this AQPair.