• public class PSIQS_SBH_U
    extends PSIQSBase
    Multi-threaded SIQS using the single block hybrid sieve.
    Tilman Neumann
    • Constructor Detail

      • PSIQS_SBH_U

        public PSIQS_SBH_U​(float Cmult,
                           float Mmult,
                           Integer wantedQCount,
                           Float maxQRestExponent,
                           int blockSize,
                           int numberOfThreads,
                           PowerFinder powerFinder,
                           MatrixSolver matrixSolver)
        Standard constructor.
        Cmult - multiplier for prime base size
        Mmult - multiplier for sieve array size
        wantedQCount - hypercube dimension (null for automatic selection)
        maxQRestExponent - A Q with unfactored rest QRest is considered smooth if QRest <= N^maxQRestExponent. Good values are 0.16..0.19; null means that it is determined automatically.
        blockSize - wanted sieve block size in byte
        numberOfThreads -
        powerFinder - algorithm to add powers to the primes used for sieving
        matrixSolver - solver for smooth congruences matrix