Class Smooth_Simple

    • Method Detail

      • getAQPairs

        public Set<AQPair> getAQPairs()
        Specified by:
        getAQPairs in interface Smooth
        the set of AQPairs this smooth relation consists of
      • addMyAQPairsViaXor

        public void addMyAQPairsViaXor​(Set<AQPair> targetSet)
        Description copied from interface: Smooth
        Add this's AQPairs to the target set via xor. This operation permits to get around without creating new array objects for all those congruence sub-classes that represent just a single AQPair.
        Specified by:
        addMyAQPairsViaXor in interface Smooth
      • getMatrixElements

        public Integer[] getMatrixElements()
        Specified by:
        getMatrixElements in interface Smooth
        set matrix elements. For a smooth relation these are the small factors appearing with odd exponent.
      • isExactSquare

        public boolean isExactSquare()
        Description copied from interface: Smooth
        Test if the Q of this smooth congruence is an exact square. Since smooth congruences can not have non-square large Q-factors, only the small Q-factors need to be checked.
        Specified by:
        isExactSquare in interface Smooth
        true if Q is square