Class ModularSqrt_BB

  • public class ModularSqrt_BB
    extends Object
    Compute modular sqrts t with t^2 == n (mod p) and u with u^2 == n (mod p^e) using Tonelli-Shanks' algorithm. Implementation for all-BigInteger arguments.
    Tilman Neumann
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModularSqrt_BB

        public ModularSqrt_BB()
    • Method Detail

      • modularSqrt

        public BigInteger modularSqrt​(BigInteger n,
                                      BigInteger p)
        Compute the modular sqrt t with t^2 == n (mod p). Uses Tonelli-Shanks algorithm for p==1 (mod 8), Lagrange's formula for p==3, 7 (mod 8) and another special formula for p==5 (mod 8).
        n - a positive integer having Jacobi(n|p) = 1
        p - odd prime
        (the smaller) sqrt of n (mod p)
      • modularSqrtModSquare_v01

        public BigInteger modularSqrtModSquare_v01​(BigInteger n,
                                                   BigInteger p,
                                                   BigInteger pSquare)
        Simplest algorithm to compute solutions u of u^2 == n (mod p^2). This is the first proposition in [Pomerance 1985: The Quadratic Sieve Factoring Algorithm, p. 178]. Works only for p==3 (mod 4).
        n - a positive integer having Jacobi(n|p) = 1
        p - an odd prime with p==3 (mod 4)
        pSquare - p^2
        (the smaller) sqrt of n (mod p^2)
      • modularSqrtModSquare_v02

        public BigInteger modularSqrtModSquare_v02​(BigInteger n,
                                                   BigInteger p,
                                                   BigInteger pSquare)
        A faster version to compute solutions u of u^2 == n (mod p^2), doing modular arithmetics (mod p) only, which is an application of lifting via Hensels lemma. This is the second proposition in [Pomerance 1985], but not fully out-formulated there. This implementation was accomplished following [Silverman 1987: The Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve, p. 332]. Works only for p==3 (mod 4).
        n - a positive integer having Jacobi(n|p) = 1
        p - an odd prime with p==3 (mod 4)
        pSquare - p^2
        (the smaller) sqrt of n (mod p^2)
      • modularSqrtModPower

        public BigInteger modularSqrtModPower​(BigInteger n,
                                              BigInteger power,
                                              BigInteger last_power,
                                              BigInteger t)
        General solution of u^2 == n (mod p^exponent), well explained in [, Gottfried Barthel]. Works for any odd p with t^2 == n (mod p) having solution t>0.
        n -
        power - p^exponent
        last_power - p^(exponent-1)
        t - solution of t^2 == n (mod p)
        sqrt of n (mod p^exponent)