Class SIQS

  • public class SIQS
    extends FactorAlgorithm
    Main class for single-threaded SIQS implementations.
    Tilman Neumann
    • Constructor Detail

      • SIQS

        public SIQS​(float Cmult,
                    float Mmult,
                    Integer wantedQCount,
                    Float maxQRestExponent,
                    PowerFinder powerFinder,
                    SIQSPolyGenerator polyGenerator,
                    Sieve sieve,
                    TDiv_QS auxFactorizer,
                    int extraCongruences,
                    MatrixSolver matrixSolver)
        Standard constructor.
        Cmult - multiplier for prime base size
        Mmult - multiplier for sieve array size
        wantedQCount - the wanted number of q whose product gives the a-parameter
        maxQRestExponent - A Q with unfactored rest QRest is considered smooth if QRest <= N^maxQRestExponent. Good values are 0.16..0.19; null means that it is determined automatically.
        powerFinder - algorithm to add powers to the primes used for sieving
        polyGenerator -
        sieve - the sieve algorithm
        auxFactorizer -
        extraCongruences - the number of surplus congruences we collect to have a greater chance that the equation system solves.
        matrixSolver - matrix solver for the smooth congruence equation system
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Specified by:
        getName in class FactorAlgorithm
        The name of the algorithm, possibly including important parameters.
      • searchFactors

        public void searchFactors​(FactorArguments args,
                                  FactorResult result)
        Description copied from class: FactorAlgorithm
        Try to find at least one factor of the given args.N, which is composite and odd. This is a default implementation for algorithms that will only find a single factor or none at all. For sub-algorithms that may find more factors at once this method should be overwritten appropriately.
        searchFactors in class FactorAlgorithm
        result - the result of the factoring attempt. Should be initialized only once by the caller to reduce overhead.
      • cleanUp

        public void cleanUp()
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        Stand-alone test.
        args - ignored Some test numbers: 11111111111111111111111111 5679148659138759837165981543 11111111111111111111111111155555555555111111111111111 2900608971182010301486951469292513060638582965350239259380273225053930627446289431038392125 = 33333 * 33335 * 33337 * 33339 * 33341 * 33343 * 33345 * 33347 * 33349 * 33351 * 33353 * 33355 * 33357 * 33359 * 33361 * 33363 * 33367 * 33369 * 33369 * 33371 15841065490425479923 = 2604221509 * 6082841047