Class SieveParams

  • public class SieveParams
    extends Object
    Basic parameters for the quadratic sieve.
    Tilman Neumann
    • Field Detail

      • pMinIndex

        public int pMinIndex
        the index of the smallest prime used for sieving.
      • pMin

        public int pMin
        the smallest prime used for sieving.
      • pMax

        public int pMax
        the largest prime in the prime base
      • sieveArraySize

        public int sieveArraySize
        the size of the sieve array (per sign)
      • maxQRest

        public double maxQRest
        maximal Q_rest accepted as smooth candidate
      • initializer

        public byte initializer
        sieve array initializer value
      • lnPMultiplier

        public float lnPMultiplier
        multiplier to scale ln(p) values to the chosen log base
    • Constructor Detail

      • SieveParams

        public SieveParams​(BigInteger kN,
                           int[] primeBase,
                           int primeBaseSize,
                           int sieveArraySize,
                           double maxQRest,
                           int wantedMinLogPSum)
    • Method Detail

      • getInitializerBlock

        public byte[] getInitializerBlock()