Class BigIntGrid

    • Constructor Detail

      • BigIntGrid

        public BigIntGrid​(String xLabel,
                          int xStart,
                          String yLabel,
                          int yStart)
        Simplified constructor with offsets 1.
        xLabel - The letter to use for the x-axis
        xStart - The start value for the x-axis-values
        yLabel - The letter to use for the y-axis
        yStart - The start value for the y-axis-values
      • BigIntGrid

        public BigIntGrid​(String xLabel,
                          int xStart,
                          int xIncrement,
                          String yLabel,
                          int yStart,
                          int yIncrement)
        Full constructor with all options.
        xLabel - The letter to use for the x-axis
        xStart - The start value for the x-axis-values
        xIncrement - The increment for the x-axis-values
        yLabel - The letter to use for the y-axis
        yStart - The start value for the y-axis-values
        yIncrement - The increment for the y-axis-values