Class FermatCatalanConjectureTest

  • public class FermatCatalanConjectureTest
    extends Object
    Search for a^m + b^n = c^k with a,b,c , m,n,k integer, a,b,c coprime, and 1/m+1/n+1/k<1. The latter condition exludes (m,n,k) = (2,2,k), (2,3,3), (2,3,4), (2,3,5) with infinitely many solutions; (2,3,6); and (2,4,4) and (3,3,3) not having any solutions. If we find a solution with m,n,k > 2 then we have a counterexample to Beal's conjecture and win the 100k dollar prize. But note that the strong Beal conjecture states that there are no more solutions than the 10 already found.
    Tilman Neumann
    See Also:
    "", "", ""
    • Constructor Detail

      • FermatCatalanConjectureTest

        public FermatCatalanConjectureTest()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)