Class FactorResult

  • public class FactorResult
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • smallestPossibleFactor

        public long smallestPossibleFactor
        the smallest factor that could occur in the unfactored rest, e.g. because smaller factors have been excluded by trial division
    • Constructor Detail

      • FactorResult

        public FactorResult​(SortedMultiset<BigInteger> primeFactors,
                            SortedMultiset<BigInteger> untestedFactors,
                            SortedMultiset<BigInteger> compositeFactors,
                            long smallestPossibleFactor)
        Full constructor.
        primeFactors - prime factors found
        untestedFactors - factors found but not investigated for primeness
        compositeFactors - factors found that are certainly composite
        smallestPossibleFactor - the smallest factor that could occur in untestedFactors or compositeFactors