Class TinyEcm63

  • public class TinyEcm63
    extends FactorAlgorithm
    A port of Ben Buhrow's tinyecm.c ( an ECM implementation for unsigned 64 bit integers. This variant ignores carry-bits in the multiplication of 64 bit integers. Fails for more N than TinyEcm64 when N>54 bit.
    Tilman Neumann
    • Constructor Detail

      • TinyEcm63

        public TinyEcm63()
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Specified by:
        getName in class FactorAlgorithm
        The name of the algorithm, possibly including important parameters.
      • montMul63

        public static long montMul63​(long a,
                                     long b,
                                     long N,
                                     long Nhat)
        Montgomery multiplication of a*b mod n with regard to R=2^63. ("mulredc63x" in Yafu)
        a -
        b -
        N -
        Nhat - complement of N mod 2^63
        Montgomery multiplication of a*b mod n
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)