Uses of Class
Packages that use PSIQSThreadBase Package Description de.tilman_neumann.jml.factor.psiqs -
Uses of PSIQSThreadBase in de.tilman_neumann.jml.factor.psiqs
Subclasses of PSIQSThreadBase in de.tilman_neumann.jml.factor.psiqs Modifier and Type Class Description class
A polynomial generation/sieve/trial division thread using Sieve03g.class
A polynomial generation/sieve/trial division thread using the single block hybrid sieve.class
A polynomial generation/sieve/trial division thread using Sieve03gU.Methods in de.tilman_neumann.jml.factor.psiqs that return PSIQSThreadBase Modifier and Type Method Description protected PSIQSThreadBase
PSIQS_SBH_U. createThread(int k, BigInteger N, BigInteger kN, int d, SieveParams sieveParams, BaseArrays baseArrays, AParamGenerator apg, CongruenceCollectorParallel cc, int threadIndex)
protected PSIQSThreadBase
PSIQS_U. createThread(int k, BigInteger N, BigInteger kN, int d, SieveParams sieveParams, BaseArrays baseArrays, AParamGenerator apg, CongruenceCollectorParallel cc, int threadIndex)
protected PSIQSThreadBase
PSIQS. createThread(int k, BigInteger N, BigInteger kN, int d, SieveParams sieveParams, BaseArrays baseArrays, AParamGenerator apg, CongruenceCollectorParallel cc, int threadIndex)
protected abstract PSIQSThreadBase
PSIQSBase. createThread(int k, BigInteger N, BigInteger kN, int d, SieveParams sieveParams, BaseArrays baseArrays, AParamGenerator apg, CongruenceCollectorParallel cc, int threadIndex)