Uses of Class
Uses of Scale in de.tilman_neumann.jml
Methods in de.tilman_neumann.jml with parameters of type Scale Modifier and Type Method Description static BigDecimal
HarmonicNumbers. harmonic_lowerBound(BigInteger n, Scale scale)
Lower bound for the harmonic number H_n.static BigDecimal
HarmonicNumbers. harmonic_upperBound(BigInteger n, Scale scale)
Upper bound for the harmonic number H_n. -
Uses of Scale in de.tilman_neumann.jml.base
Methods in de.tilman_neumann.jml.base with parameters of type Scale Modifier and Type Method Description static BigDecimal
BigDecimalMath. add(BigDecimal a, BigRational b, Scale resultScale)
Computes the sum of a and b accurate to the given resultScale.
Scale is the natural accuracy measure for additions because for each argument, each piece of it (bit, digit, ...) makes its own independent contribution to the result scale.static BigDecimal
BigDecimalMath. divide(BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b, Scale resultScale)
Division with guaranteed precision.static BigDecimal
BigDecimalMath. divide(BigDecimal a, BigInteger b, Scale resultScale)
Division by an integer.static BigDecimal
BigDecimalMath. multiply(BigDecimal a, BigRational b, Scale resultScale)
BigRational. toBigDecimal(Scale decPrec)
Converts this to a BigDecimal with decPrec digits precision.String
BigRational. toString(Scale decPrec)
Converts this into a string with the given decimal digits precision. -
Uses of Scale in de.tilman_neumann.jml.hyperbolic
Methods in de.tilman_neumann.jml.hyperbolic with parameters of type Scale Modifier and Type Method Description static BigDecimal
ArcCosH. acosh1(BigDecimal x, Scale scale)
Computes the "++" branch of acosh(x) = + ln(x + sqrt(x^2-1)).static BigDecimal
ArcCosH. acoshAbs(BigDecimal x, Scale scale)
The absolute value of acosh(x) implemented by ln() formula.static BigDecimal
ArcCotH. acoth(BigDecimal x, Scale scale)
acoth(x) implemented by ln() formula.static BigDecimal
ArcSinH. asinh(BigDecimal x, Scale scale)
y = asinh(x) implemented by ln() formula, for all real x.static BigDecimal
ArcTanH. atanh(BigDecimal x, Scale scale)
atanh(x) implemented by ln() formula. -
Uses of Scale in de.tilman_neumann.jml.powers
Methods in de.tilman_neumann.jml.powers with parameters of type Scale Modifier and Type Method Description static BigDecimal
Pow. pow(BigDecimal x, int n, Scale resultScale)
Uses of Scale in de.tilman_neumann.jml.precision
Methods in de.tilman_neumann.jml.precision that return Scale Modifier and Type Method Description Scale
Scale. add(int n)
Scale. multiply(int multiplier)
static Scale
Scale. of(double x)
static Scale
Scale. of(float x)
static Scale
Scale. of(BigDecimal x)
static Scale
Scale. valueOf(int digits)
Methods in de.tilman_neumann.jml.precision with parameters of type Scale Modifier and Type Method Description int
Scale. compareTo(Scale other)
Uses of Scale in de.tilman_neumann.jml.roots
Methods in de.tilman_neumann.jml.roots with parameters of type Scale Modifier and Type Method Description static BigDecimal
RootsReal. ithRoot(BigDecimal x, int i, Scale resultScale)
Compute root of x.static BigDecimal
RootsReal. ithRoot(BigDecimal x, int i, BigDecimal guess, Scale resultScale)
Compute the root with initial guess.static BigDecimal
SqrtReal. sqrt(BigDecimal x, Scale resultScale)
Compute square root.static BigDecimal
SqrtReal. sqrt(BigDecimal x, BigDecimal guess, Scale resultScale)
Compute square root with initial guess. -
Uses of Scale in de.tilman_neumann.jml.transcendental
Methods in de.tilman_neumann.jml.transcendental with parameters of type Scale Modifier and Type Method Description static BigDecimal
Agm. agm(BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b, Scale outScale)
Arithmetic-geometric mean of a and b.static BigDecimal
Exp. exp(BigDecimal w, Scale outScale)
Compute exp(w) using a more powerful argument reduction.static BigDecimal
EulerConstant. gamma(Scale outScale)
static BigDecimal
Ln. ln(BigDecimal x, Scale outScale)
Compute the natural logarithm of x, for x>0.static BigDecimal
Ln. ln2(Scale outScale)
Faster ln2 implementation, computing the series expansion of 2^(1/k) for some optimally chosen k.static BigDecimal
Pi. pi(Scale scale)
Compute Pi using the approximation formula found by Plouffe and the Borwein brothers also used in mpfr.