Package de.tilman_neumann.jml
Class Summary Class Description BinarySearch Binary search in bottom-up sorted integer arrays.ChebyshevPolynomials Computation of values of the Chebyshev polynomials.CollatzSequenceTest Test Collatz or 3n+1 problem.Divisors Implementations for finding all divisors of an integer.EgyptianFractionsTriangle Computes the number of terms/steps the Greedy algorithm requires to find a sum of simple quotients for any k/n; 0FermatCatalanConjectureTest Search for a^m + b^n = c^k with a,b,c , m,n,k integer, a,b,c coprime, and 1/m+1/n+1/k<1.HarmonicNumbers Computation of harmonic and "hyper-harmonic" numbers.MoebiusFunction Implementations of the Moebius function.SumOf4Squares Stuff concerning sums of 4 squares representations of natural numbers.