All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbortException |
AbsRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
AbstractArg1 |
Evaluate a function with 1 argument.
AbstractArg12 |
Evaluate a function with 1 or 2 arguments.
AbstractArg2 |
Evaluate a function with 2 arguments.
AbstractArgMultiple |
AbstractAssumptions |
AbstractAST |
AbstractAST.ASTIterator |
AbstractAST.NILPointer |
The class NILPointer implements the constant object F.NIL (not in
list), which indicates in the evaluation process that no evaluation was possible (i.e.
AbstractCoreFunctionEvaluator |
Abstract interface for built-in Symja functions.
AbstractCoreFunctionOptionEvaluator |
AbstractCorePredicateEvaluator |
Abstract interface for built-in Symja functions.
AbstractEvalStepListener |
An abstract listener which could listen to the EvalEngine#evalLoop() steps, to
implement an evaluation trace or a step by step evaluation.
AbstractEvaluator |
Abstract interface for built-in Symja functions.
AbstractFractionSym |
Abstract base class for FractionSym and BigFractionSym
AbstractFunctionEvaluator |
Abstract interface for built-in Symja functions.
AbstractFunctionOptionEvaluator |
AbstractHashedPatternRules |
AbstractIntegerSym |
Abstract base class for IntegerSym and BigIntegerSym
AbstractInterpolation |
AbstractLevelVisitor |
AbstractListStepVisitor<T> |
Abstract step visitor for IAST s.
AbstractMathMLFormFactory |
Abstract Factory for generating MathML output
AbstractMatrix1Expr |
AbstractMatrix1Expr.PossibleZeroQTest |
AbstractMatrix1Matrix |
AbstractNonOrderlessArgMultiple |
AbstractPatternMatcherMethod |
AbstractPatternSequence |
Abstract base class for patters with sequence handling.
AbstractPredicateEvaluator |
Abstract interface for built-in Symja functions.
AbstractSequence |
Basic abstract class for sequence specifications.
AbstractSymbolEvaluator |
AbstractTeXConverter |
Abstract converter for a TeX conversion in TeXFormFactory.
AbstractTrigArg1 |
Base class for functions with 1 argument (i.e.
AbstractVisitor |
Abstract visitor which returns F.NIL , if the visitor step couldn't be evaluated.
AbstractVisitorBoolean |
AbstractVisitorInt |
AbstractVisitorLong |
AffineTransforms |
Algebra |
Algebra.Factor |
Algebra.InternalFindCommonFactorPlus |
AlgebraicNotInvertibleException |
Algebraic number NotInvertibleException class.
AndroidLoggerFix |
ApcomplexNum |
IComplexNum implementation which wraps a Apcomplex value to represent a
numeric complex floating-point number.
ApfloatNum |
INum implementation which wraps a Apfloat value to represent a numeric
floating-point number.
ApfloatToMMA |
Convert a Apfloat value into a string similar to the Mathematica output format.
ArcCoshRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ArcCosRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ArcCothRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ArcCotRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ArcCschRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ArcCscRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ArcSechRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ArcSecRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ArcSinhRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ArcSinRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ArcTanhRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ArcTanRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ArgumentTypeException |
ArgumentTypeStopException |
Arithmetic |
Arithmetic.Plus |
Plus(a, b, ...)
a + b + ...
Arithmetic.Power |
Power(a, b)
a ^ b
Arithmetic.Times |
Times(a, b, ...)
a * b * ...
ArraySet<T> |
A set implementation for very small sets.
ArrayUtils |
Provides a couple of static utility methods for creating and initializing arrays used throughout
permutation and combination generation.
ASCIIPrettyPrinter3 |
ASCII pretty printer which tries to create a pretty printer ASCII form on 3 lines.
AssociationFunctions |
AssumptionFunctions |
Assumptions |
(A)bstract (S)yntax (T)ree of a given function.
AST0 |
Immutable (A)bstract (S)yntax (T)ree of a given function with no argument.
AST1 |
Immutable (A)bstract (S)yntax (T)ree of a given function with exactly 1 argument.
AST2 |
Immutable (A)bstract (S)yntax (T)ree of a given function with exactly 2 arguments.
AST2Expr |
Converts a parsed org.matheclipse.parser.client.ast.ASTNode expression into an IExpr
AST3 |
Immutable (A)bstract (S)yntax (T)ree of a given function with exactly 3 arguments.
ASTAssociation |
ASTElementLimitExceeded |
Exception which will be thrown, if the Config.MAX_AST_SIZE limit was exceeded.
ASTRealMatrix |
Immutable (A)bstract (S)yntax (T)ree of a given function with no argument.
ASTRealVector |
Immutable (A)bstract (S)yntax (T)ree of a given function with no argument.
Immutable (A)bstract (S)yntax (T)ree of a given function implemented as an RRB Tree.
ASTSeriesData |
AttributeFunctions |
AutomaticRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
B1 |
B2 |
B3 |
Basic |
BDDExpr |
Beep |
BesselFunctions |
BesselIRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
BesselJRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
BesselJS |
BesselKRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
BesselYRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
BigFractionSym |
IFraction implementation which uses methods of the Apache BigFraction methods.
BigIntegerLimitExceeded |
Exception which will be thrown, if the Config.MAX_AST_SIZE limit was exceeded.
BigIntegerSym |
IInteger implementation which delegates most of the methods to the BigInteger methods.
BiIntFunction<R> |
Represents a function that accepts two int-valued arguments and produces a result.
BinaryAverage |
"Smoothing using Geodesic Averages", 2018
BinaryBindIth1st |
Clone a given AST and set the i-th argument of the new AST to arg in the apply
BinaryFunction |
Used for: HermiteH(a,b)) ==> H_a(b) , LaguerreL(a,b)) ==> L_a(b)
BinaryFunctorImpl<T> |
Deprecated. |
BinaryNumerical |
Binary numerical function for functions like Plot3D
BinaryTernaryFunction |
Blank |
A "blank pattern" with no assigned "pattern name" (i.e.
BooleanFunctions |
BooleanFunctions.Greater |
Greater(x, y)
x > y
BooleanFunctions.GreaterEqual |
GreaterEqual(x, y)
x >= y
BooleanFunctions.Less |
Less(x, y)
x < y
BooleanFunctions.LessEqual |
LessEqual(x, y)
x <= y
BoxesFunctions |
BreakException |
Exception for the Break
BSplineFunction |
tensor::BSplineFunction is parameterized over the interval [0, control.length() - 1]
tensor::BSplineFunction can be instantiated for all degrees regardless of the length of the
control points.
BSplineFunctionBase |
BSplineFunctionString |
function defined over the interval [0, control.length() - 1]
BSplineInterpolation |
BSplineInterpolation defines a parametric curve that interpolates the given control points at
integer values.
BuiltInDummy |
BuiltInRubi |
BuiltInSymbol |
Implements Symbols for function, constant and variable names
BuiltinUsage |
ByteArrayExpr |
ChocoConvert |
Clip |
Clip encodes a non-empty, closed interval in an ordered set of scalars.
Clips |
factory for the creation of Clip
Remark: A Clip represents a non-empty, closed interval of the form [min, max].
ClusteringFunctions |
ColorDataGradient |
ColorDataGradient maps a Scalar from the interval [0, 1] to a 4-vector {r, g, b, a} with
rgba entries using linear interpolation on a given table of rgba values.
ColorDataGradients |
To obtain a single color value use
ColorDataIndexed |
Function maps Scalar s to vectors of the form {R, G, B, A} with entries in the interval
[0, 255].
ColorDataLists |
Color data lists.
ColorFormat |
Mappings between IAST , Color , and 0xAA:RR:GG:BB integer
Combinatoric |
Combinatoric.KPermutationsIterable |
Generate an java.lang.Iterable for (multiset) permutations
Comparators |
Provide Comparator classes.
CompiledFunctionExpr |
CompilerFunctions |
CompilerFunctions.CompiledFunctionArg |
Contains the name, type and rank of an argument in a compiled function.
CompilerFunctions.CompilePrint |
ComplexExpand |
ComplexFormFactory |
Converts an internal IExpr into a user readable string.
ComplexNum |
IComplexNum implementation which wraps a Complex value to represent a
numeric complex floating-point number.
ComplexSym |
A symbolic complex number implementation
ComplexUnaryNumerical |
ComputationalGeometryFunctions |
ConditionException |
Config |
General configuration settings.
ConjugateRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ConstantDefinitions |
ConstantPhysicsDefinitions |
ContainsFunctions |
Context |
ContextPath |
ContinueException |
Convert |
Conversions between an IExpr object and misc other object class types
ConvexHull3D |
Computes the convex hull of a set of three dimensional points.
CoordinateBoundingBox |
n-dimensional axis aligned bounding box
CoreCallbackFunction |
A call back function which could be used in DoubleEvaluator , for evaluating Symja
numerical functions.
CoshRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
CosRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
CothRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
CotRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
CreamConvert |
CreateTensor |
CschRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
CscRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
CurveFitterFunctions |
CyclicColorDataIndexed |
D |
D(f, x)
DataExpr<T> |
A concrete IDataExpr implementation.
DateObjectExpr |
DeBoor |
DeBoor denotes the function that is defined by control points over a sequence of knots.
DefaultDict<T extends IExpr> |
DefaultDict is a container map similar to Map .
Derivative |
DerivativeRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
DialogReturnException |
DifferenceDelta |
DifferenceDelta(f(x), x)
Dimensions2D |
DiscretePlot |
DispatchExpr |
Maintain Dispatch() rules.
Documentation |
DoubleFormFactory |
Converts an internal IExpr into a user readable string.
DoubleStack |
The Stack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of double values.
DoubleStackEvaluator |
Deprecated. |
DoubleToMMA |
Convert a Java double value into a string similar to the Mathematica output format.
DRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
DSolve |
DSolve(equation, f(var), var)
EasterSunday |
ElementData |
ElementData("name“, ”property")
ElementData1 |
ElementData2 |
Eliminate |
Eliminate(list - of - equations, list - of - variables)
EliminateRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
EllipticFunctionsJS |
EllipticIntegrals |
EllipticIntegralsJS |
EntityFunctions |
Errors |
EvalAttributes |
Static methods for evaluating ISymbol.FLAT, ISymbol.LISTABLE and
ISymbol.ORDERLESS attributes.
EvalComplex |
EvalControlledCallable |
EvalDouble |
EvalEngine |
The main evaluation algorithms for the Symja computer algebra system.
EvalEngine.OptionsResult |
EvalHistory |
Contains the last n entries of the calculation history.
EvalUtilities |
Utility to evaluate math expressions.
Export |
Export some data from file system.
ExportString |
Export some data into a string representation
Expr |
Expr2LP |
Convert a given Symja expression into linear programming objects from the
org.hipparchus.optim.linear package.
Expr2Object |
ExprAnalyzer |
Analyze an expression, if it has linear, polynomial or other form.
ExprEdge |
Create a DefaultEdge for usage in library
ExpressionJSONConvert |
Import and export an expression to and from ExpressionJSON format.
ExprEvaluator |
Evaluate math expressions to IExpr results.
ExprMonomial |
Monomial class.
ExprParser |
Create an expression of the IExpr class-hierarchy from a math formula's string
ExprParserFactory |
ExprPolynomial |
GenPolynomial generic polynomials implementing RingElem.
ExprPolynomialRing |
GenPolynomialRing generic polynomial factory implementing ExprRingFactory; Factory for n-variate
ordered polynomials over C with Java long exponents..
ExprRingFactory |
Singleton ring factory class.
ExprTermOrder |
Term order class for ordered polynomials.
ExprTermOrder.EVComparator |
Comparator for ExpVectors.
ExprTermOrderByName |
Term order names for ordered polynomials.
ExprTools |
ExprTools.Factors |
Efficient representation of f_1*f_2*...*f_n .
ExprTrie |
ExprUtil |
ExprWeightedEdge |
Create a DefaultWeightedEdge for usage in library
ExpToTrig |
ExpTrigsFunctions |
ExpVectorLong |
ExpVectorLong implements exponent vectors for polynomials using arrays of long as storage unit.
ExpVectorSymbolic |
ExpVectorSymbolic implements exponent vectors for polynomials using arrays of
IExpr as storage unit.
Extension |
File extensions format.
F |
Factory for creating Symja predefined function expression objects (interface IAST ).
Factor |
FailedException |
FileExpr |
FileFunctions |
FileFunctions.Get |
Get[{<file name>}}
FilterFunctions |
FinancialFunctions |
FindInstance |
FindInstance(equations, vars)
FindMaximum |
FindMaximum(f, {x, xstart})
FindMinimum |
FindMinimum(f, {x, xstart})
FindRoot |
FindRoot(f, {x, xmin, xmax})
FittedModelExpr |
FlatOrderlessStepVisitor |
FlatStepVisitor |
This visitor is used in an NumberPartitionsIterator to match flat expressions in
pattern matching.
FlowControlException |
Base exception for exceptions, which are used to implement "control flow" functions
like for example Break() (BreakException) and Continue()
Formal |
Formal.FormalPowerSeries |
Formal.FormalPowerSeries.FormalPowerSeriesIterator |
Fourier |
Fourier |
Discrete Fourier transform of a vector.
FourierDCTMatrix |
FourierDSTMatrix |
FourierMatrix |
applications of FourierMatrix is to perform Fourier transform and inverse
transform of vectors or matrices of arbitrary dimensions.
FractionSym |
IFraction implementation which reimplements methods of the Apache
org.apache.commons.math3.fraction.Fraction methods.
FrobeniusNumber |
FrobeniusSolve |
FrobeniusSolve({a1, ...
FrobeniusSolver |
Function |
Function4<T1,T2,T3,T4,R> |
Represents a function with 4 arguments.
Function5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,R> |
Represents a function with 4 arguments.
FunctionDefinitions |
FunctionExpand |
FunctionExpandRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
FunctionRangeRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
Functors |
GammaJS |
GammaRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
GaussianInteger |
Generate |
GenericPair<K,V> |
Generic pair.
GeodesyFunctions |
GeometricLayer |
GeometricLayer transforms from model to pixel coordinates
see RenderInterface
GeoPositionExpr |
GfxMatrix |
Hint: this class is identical to Se2Matrix in the library ch.alpine.sophus
GraphDataFunctions |
Functions for graph theory algorithms.
GraphExpr<T> |
GraphFunctions |
Functions for graph theory algorithms.
GraphicsFunctions |
GraphicsOptions |
Options for the 2D Graphics object.
GrayscaleColorData |
Gruntz |
GudermannianRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
HashedOrderlessMatcher |
Match two arguments of an Orderless AST into a new resulting expression.
HashedOrderlessMatcherPlus |
Match two arguments of an Orderless Plus(...
HashedOrderlessMatcherTimes |
Match two arguments of an Orderless Times(...
HashedPatternRules |
Data structure for HashedOrderlessMatcher .
HashedPatternRulesLog |
Evaluate Log(x) * Log(y) combinations.
HashedPatternRulesTimes |
HashedPatternRulesTimesPower |
HashValueVisitor |
Calculate a special hash value for HashedOrderlessMatcher methods.
HeavisideTheta |
HeavisideTheta function returns 1 for all x greater than 0 and 0
for all x less than 0 ,
Hierarchy |
HMArrayList |
HMArrayList is an implementation of a list, backed by an array.
HomeDirectory |
Horner |
HornerScheme |
Generate the horner scheme for univariate polynomials
Hsluv |
Hsluv is similar to Hue but attempts to balance overall lightness for all hue values.
Hue |
Standalone HSV to RGB conversion
an input scalar that does not satisfy FiniteScalarQ is mapped to a transparent color
HurwitzLerchPhiRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
Hypergeometric0F1Rules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
Hypergeometric1F1Rules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
Hypergeometric2F1RegularizedRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
Hypergeometric2F1Rules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
HypergeometricFunctions |
HypergeometricJS |
HypergeometricPFQRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
HypergeometricURules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
Hypot |
Hypot computes sqrt(a2 +b2) for a and b as
RealScalar s without intermediate overflow or underflow.
IArrayFunction |
IAssociation |
IAssumptions |
(I)nterface for the (A)bstract (S)yntax (T)ree of a given function.
The enumeration for the properties (keys) of the map possibly associated with this IAST
IASTAppendable |
Appendable (I)nterface for the (A)bstract (S)yntax (T)ree of a given function.
IASTAppendable.CollectorImpl<T,A,R> |
IASTDataset |
IASTMutable |
(I)nterface for the (A)bstract (S)yntax (T)ree of a given function.
IBigNumber |
Implemented by all exact "symbolic" number interfaces (i.e.
IBooleanFormula |
Marker interface for a builtin boolean function formula evaluator like And, Or, Not,...
IBuiltInSymbol |
An expression representing a symbol (i.e.
IComparatorFunction |
Marker interface for a builtin comparator evaluator like Equal, Greater, GreaterEqual, Less,
IComplex |
An expression representing a complex number
IComplexNum |
IContinuousDistribution |
Interface for continuous distribution.
ICoreFunctionEvaluator |
Interface for "core functions" which don't have associated rules and are only defined
by a derived classes from this interface.
ID |
Generated with class org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.FunctionIDGenerator Don't
change manually.
IDataExpr<T> |
(I)nterface for a (Object) expressions
IDimensionFunction<T> |
IDiscreteDistribution |
IDistribution |
Any distribution for which an analytic expression of the mean exists should implement
IDistribution .
IEvalStepListener |
A listener which could listen to the EvalEngine#evalLoop() steps, to implement an
evaluation trace or a step by step evaluation.
IEvaluator |
An IEvaluator can be linked to an ISymbol to define the evaluation behaviour of the symbol at
creation time.
IExpr |
(I)nterface for a mathematical (Expr)ession
IExpr is the main interface for the Symja object type hierarchy:
A three-state "boolean" value.
IExprEdge |
IFastFunctionEvaluator |
Interface for "fast core built-in functions" which don't have associated rules and are
only defined by a derived classes from this interface.
IFraction |
interface for "fractional" numbers
IFunctionEvaluator |
Common interface for built-in Symja functions.
IFunctionExpand |
IGraphics2D |
IGraphics3D |
Interface for 3D graphics primitives like Cuboid, Sphere, Cylinder,...
IIndexFunction<T> |
IInexactNumber |
IInteger |
An expression representing a big integer number
IIterator<E> |
Interface for an iterator with additional tearDown() method, to run the iterator again
ImageCrop |
ImageFormat |
ImageResize |
ImplementationStatus |
ImportString |
Import some data from a given string.
In |
Get the specified history In line from the EvalEngine's history list.
IndexedLevel |
A level specification for levels used in the function MapIndexed Example: the nested
list {x,{y}} has depth 3
IndexFunctionDiagonal |
Evaluates to one of two given values.
IndexTableGenerator |
Table structure generator (i.e.
InputStreamExpr |
IntegerFunctions |
Integers |
IntegerSym |
IInteger implementation which uses an internal int value
Integrate |
Integrate(f, x)
Integrate.IntegrateInitializer |
IntegratePowerTimesFunctionRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
InterpolatingFunction |
InterpolatingFunctionExpr<T> |
InterpolatingPolynomial |
InterpolatingPolynomial(data - list, symbol)
Interpolation |
Interpolation |
Multi-dimensional interpolation
InterquartileRangeRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
IntervalDataSym |
Intervals will be represented by objects with head S.IntervalData wrapped around a
sequence of quadruples of the form, e.g., {a,Less,LessEqual,b} representing the half
open interval (a,b] .
IntervalFunctions |
IntervalSym |
IntervalSym.IExprProcessor |
IExprProcessor interface method boolean process (IExpr min, IExpr max, IASTAppendable result,
int index), return true or false;
IntRangeSpec |
INum |
Interface for a numeric double or Apfloat number.
INumber |
Implemented by all number interfaces
INumeric |
INumericArray |
INumericComplex |
INumericComplexConstant |
InverseFourier |
InverseFourier |
consistent with Mathematica for input vectors of length of power of 2
InverseFunction |
InverseLaplaceTransform |
InverseLaplaceTransform(f, s, t)
InverseLaplaceTransformRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
InverseZTransform |
InverseZTransformRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
IOFunctions |
IPair |
IPartialFractionGenerator |
IPattern |
Interface for pattern objects (i.e.
IPatternMap |
Interface for mapping ISymbol objects to int values.
IPatternMap.PatternMap |
A map from a pattern to a possibly found value during pattern-matching.
IPatternMap.PatternMap0 |
IPatternMap.PatternMap1 |
IPatternMap.PatternMap2 |
IPatternMap.PatternMap3 |
IPatternMatcher |
Interface for the pattern matcher
IPatternMatcher.EquivalenceComparator |
IPatternMatcher.PriorityComparator |
IPatternMethod |
IPatternObject |
Interface for pattern objects (i.e.
IPatternSequence |
Interface for pattern sequence objects (i.e.
IPredicate |
Marker interface for a builtin predicate evaluator
IPrimality |
IQuantity |
IRational |
Interface for "rational" numbers (i.e.
IReal |
Interface for "real" numbers (i.e.
IRealConstant |
Interface for "real numeric constants".
IRewrite |
ISeqBase |
ISequence |
Interface for sequence specifications.
ISeriesBase |
ISetEvaluator |
Interface for "core functions" which can specially evaluated like
Attributes, List, Part
ISetValueEvaluator |
Interface for "core functions" which can specially evaluated like
Attributes, List, Part
ISparseArray |
IStepVisitor |
IStringX |
(I)nterface for a (String) e(X)pression
ISymbol |
An expression representing a symbol (i.e.
ISymbolEvaluator |
Interface for evaluating constant symbols like Pi, Degree,...
ISymbolObserver |
Interface for observing the creation of symbols.
ITensorAccess |
Iterables |
IterationLimitExceeded |
Exception which will be thrown, if the iteration limit of the evaluation loop was exceeded.
Iterator |
Create iterators for functions like Table() , Sum() or Product()
ITernaryComparator |
IUnaryIndexFunction<F1,T> |
A IUnaryIndexFunction provides a transformation of an integer and an object and returns
the resulting object.
IUnit |
implementations are immutable
IVisitor |
A visitor which could be used in the org.matheclipse.core.interfaces.IExpr#accept()
IVisitorBoolean |
IVisitorInt |
A visitor which could be used in the org.matheclipse.core.interfaces.IExpr#accept()
IVisitorLong |
A visitor which could be used in the org.matheclipse.core.interfaces.IExpr#accept()
J |
Automatically generated with class
org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.JavaObjectFunctionGenerator .
JacobiP |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
JacobiPRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
JacobiSCRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
JASConversionException |
JASConvert<C extends edu.jas.structure.RingElem<C>> |
Convert JAS objects from and to Symja objects.
JASIExpr |
Convert JAS objects from and to Symja
IExpr objects
JASModInteger |
Convert JAS objects from and to Symja objects.
JavaClassExpr |
JavaComplexFormFactory |
Converts an internal IExpr into a user readable string.
JavaDoubleFormFactory |
Converts an internal IExpr into a user readable string.
JavaFunctions |
JavaObjectExpr |
JavaScriptFormFactory |
Transpile an internal IExpr into a JavaScript string.
JS |
Wrappers for Complex functions in JavaScript style.
JSBuilder |
Build a page to show a JavaScript graphic.
JSONConvert |
Import and export an expression to and from JSON format.
KleinInvariantJRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
KryoUtil |
KryoUtil.IASTSerializer |
KSubsets |
KSubsets.KSubsetsIterable |
Iterable for all k-combinations from a set
KSubsets.KSubsetsList<E,T extends List<E>> |
Iterate over the lists of all k-combinations from a given list
Lambda |
LaplaceTransform |
LaplaceTransform(f, s, t)
LaplaceTransformRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
LastCalculationsHistory |
Contains the last n entries of the calculation history.
LazyMouse |
LazyMouseListener |
LegendrePRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
LegendreQRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
LerchPhiRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
LevelSpec |
A level specification definition for levels in nested lists.
LevelSpecification |
Level specification for expression trees
LimitException |
Base exception for exceptions, which are used to implement "limit control" functions
like for example ASTElementLimitExceeded and RecursionLimitExceeded .
LimitRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
LinearAlgebra |
LinearAlgebra.Adjugate |
LinearAlgebra.Cofactor |
LinearAlgebra.Cross |
Cross(a, b)
LinearAlgebra.Det |
LinearAlgebra.Dot |
Dot(x, y) or x .
LinearAlgebra.FromPolarCoordinates |
FromPolarCoordinates({r, t})
LinearAlgebra.FromSphericalCoordinates |
LinearAlgebra.Inverse |
LinearAlgebra.MatrixPower |
MatrixPower(matrix, n)
LinearAlgebra.MatrixRank |
LinearAlgebra.Minors |
LinearAlgebra.Norm |
LinearAlgebra.ToPolarCoordinates |
ToPolarCoordinates({x, y})
LinearAlgebra.ToSphericalCoordinates |
LinearAlgebra.Transpose |
LinearAlgebra.UnitVector |
LinearAlgebra.VectorAngle |
VectorAngle(u, v)
LinearBinaryAverage |
implements binary average as
LinearColorDataGradient |
ColorDataGradient maps a IExpr from the interval [0, 1] to a 4-vector {r, g, b, a} with
rgba entries using linear interpolation on a given table of rgba values.
LinearInterpolation |
Multi-linear interpolation
LinearOptimization |
LinearProgramming |
LinearProgramming(coefficientsOfLinearObjectiveFunction, constraintList, constraintRelationList)
LinearSolveFunctionExpr<T extends org.hipparchus.FieldElement<T>> |
ListFunctions |
ListFunctions.MultipleConstArrayFunction |
ListFunctions.Table |
Table(expr, {i, n})
ListFunctions.TableGenerator |
Table structure generator (i.e.
ListLinePlot |
Plot a list of Points as a single line
ListLinePlot3D |
Plot a list of Lines in 3 dimensions
ListLogLinearPlot |
ListLogLogPlot |
ListLogPlot |
ListPlot |
Plot a list of Points
ListPlot3D |
Plot an array of coordinates/heights in 3 dimensions
ListPointPlot3D |
Plot a list of Points in 3 dimensions
ListPolarPlot |
Lists |
ListSizeSequence |
A sequence specification.
LocalTimeDisplay |
LogLinearPlot |
LogLogPlot |
LogPlot |
LogRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
MagicProcessor |
ManipulateFunction |
Matcher |
The Matcher defines a pattern matching rule set.
MathMLFormFactory |
Generates MathML presentation output
MathMLUtilities |
Convert an expression into presentation MathML output
MathUtils |
MatrixD |
MatrixDRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
MemoryLimitExceeded |
MinMaxFunctions |
Mod |
our implementation is not consistent with Mathematica for negative, and complex n.
ModuleReplaceAll |
Replace all occurrences of expressions where the given function.apply() method
returns a non F.NIL value.
MousePosition |
Mul |
Multiset<T> |
MultisetCombinationIterator |
Combinations of a multiset
MultisetPartitionsIterator |
MultivariateJacobianGradient |
A class for functions that compute a vector of values and can compute their derivatives (Jacobian
MultiVariateNumerical |
MultiVariateVectorGradient |
A class representing a multivariate vectorial function.
MutableInt |
ND |
ND(function, x, value)
NDSolve |
NFourierTransform |
NIntegrate |
NIntegrate(f, {x,a,b})
NoEvalException |
Exception used for flow control.
NonCommutativeMultiply |
NSolve |
Try to solve a set of equations (i.e.
Num |
INum implementation which wraps a double value to represent a numeric
floating-point number.
NumberLinePlot |
Plot along a number line
NumberPartitionsIterator |
Partition a set and visit all steps of the algorithm with an IStepVisitor
NumberTheory |
NumberTheory.FactorInteger |
NumberUtil |
NumericArrayExpr |
NumericArrayExpr.RangeException |
NumericArrayExpr.TypeException |
NumericArrayFunctions |
Numpy |
NumStr |
Object2Expr |
Converts objects into an IExpr expression
ObjIntFunction<T,R> |
Represents a function that accepts two arguments (T, int) and produces a result.
ObjIntPredicate<T> |
A predicate of two arguments - one object and one int .
OpenFixedSizeMap<K,V> |
Open addressed map from K to V.
OpenIntToIExprHashMap<T extends IExpr> |
Open addressed map from int to IExpr.
OpenIntToList<T> |
Open addressed map from int to List.
OpenIntToSet<T> |
Open addressed map from int to Set.
Operations |
OperationSystem |
OptimizeExpression |
OptionArgs |
Managing Options used in evaluation of function symbols (i.e.
OptionsPattern |
Order |
OrderlessStepVisitor |
This visitor is used in an MultisetPartitionsIterator to match orderless expressions
in pattern matching.
Out |
Get the specified history Out line from the EvalEngine's history list.
Outer |
Outer(f, x, y)
OutputFormFactory |
Converts an internal IExpr into a user readable string.
OutputFunctions |
OutputFunctions.VariableManager |
OutputPortUnsafe<T> |
OutputPortUnsafe.PortIterable<T> |
OutputPortUnsafe.PortIterator<T> |
OutputPortUnsafe.Singleton<T> |
OutputStreamExpr |
OutputStyle |
Pair |
A pair of values extnding the IAST interface.
ParametricPlot |
Plots x/y functions
PartialFractionGenerator |
PartialFractionIntegrateGenerator |
Generator to integrate a rational polynomial by partial fraction
Pattern |
A pattern with assigned "pattern name" (i.e.
PatternMatcher |
PatternMatcherAndEvaluator |
PatternMatcherAndInvoker |
Deprecated. |
PatternMatcherEquals |
Matches a given expression by simply comparing the left-hand-side expression of this pattern
matcher with the equals() method.
PatternMatcherEvalEngine |
PatternMatcherList |
PatternMatching |
PatternMatching.Blank |
PatternMatching.BlankNullSequence |
PatternMatching.BlankSequence |
PatternMatching.Optional |
Optional(patt, default)
PatternMatching.OptionsPattern |
PatternMatching.OptionValue |
PatternMatching.Pattern |
PatternMatching.Repeated |
PatternMatching.RepeatedNull |
PatternNested |
A pattern with assigned "pattern name" (i.e.
PatternSequence |
A concrete pattern sequence implementation (i.e.
PeriodogramArray |
PiecewiseFunctions |
Plot |
Plots x/y functions
Plot |
Plot3D |
Represents the Plot3D function
PlusOp |
Plus operator for adding multiple arguments with the plus(argument) method and
returning the result, with the getSum() method, if isEvaled() returns
true .
PodDefaultsRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
PolarPlot |
Plots x/y functions
PoleError |
PolyGammaRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
PolyLogRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
PolynomialDegreeLimitExceeded |
Exception which will be thrown, if the Config.MAX_AST_SIZE limit was exceeded.
PolynomialFunctions |
PolynomialHomogenization |
Forward and backward substitutions of expressions for polynomials.
PolynomialsUtils |
A collection of static methods that operate on or return polynomials.
PolynomialsUtils.RecurrenceCoefficientsGenerator |
Interface for recurrence coefficients generation.
PowerRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
PowerTimesFunction |
Analyze if an expression is of the form x^n_.
Powsimp |
PredicateQ |
Predicates |
Predicates.IsBinaryFalse |
Implement a Comparator and check if the evaluation of a binary AST object gives
S.False or -1 and return 1 , or S.True or
1 and return -1 .
Predicates.IsBinaryTrue |
Implement a Comparator and check if the evaluation of a binary AST object gives
S.True or 1 and return 1 , or S.False or
-1 and return -1 .
Primality |
Provides primality probabilistic methods for small prime factors.
Product |
Product(expr, {i, imin, imax})
ProductLogRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
ProductRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
Programming |
Programming.DoIterator |
QuadrupleFunction |
QuantileRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
QuantityFunctions |
QuantityImpl |
QuantityMagnitude |
QuantityParser |
QuantityUnit |
QuantumPhysicsFunctions |
QuarticSolver |
Solve polynomial equations up to fourth degree ( Solve(a*x^4+b*x^3+c*x^2+d*x+e==0,x)
RandomFunctions |
RecursionLimitExceeded |
Exception which will be thrown, if the recursion limit of the evaluation stack was exceeded.
Reduce |
RenderQuality |
RepeatedPattern |
ResourceData |
Access to resource data in jar files, for instance, the content included in the tensor library.
ResultException |
Exception for the First... functions.
ReturnException |
Exception for the Return
RGBColor |
The RGBColor class defines colors in the default sRGB color space or in the specified ColorSpace.
RGBColorRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
RootsFunctions |
RuleCreationError |
RulesData |
The pattern matching rules associated with a symbol.
S |
Class for creating the static Symja built-in symbols (interface IBuiltInSymbol ).
ScalarArray |
ScalarBinaryOperator |
interface for serializable functions that maps two Scalar s to a Scalar
ScalarTensorFunction |
ScalarUnaryOperator |
interface for serializable functions that map a IExpr to another Scalar
ScreenInsets |
ScreenRectangle |
SechRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
SecRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
Sequence |
Represent Sequences in Take[] or Drop[] functions.
SequenceFunctions |
Sequences |
Sequences.EmptySequence |
Sequences.EmptySequence.EmptySeqIterator |
Sequences.SeqBase |
Sequences.SeqBase.SeqIterator |
Sequences.SeqFormula |
Sequences.SeqMul |
Represents term-wise multiplication of sequences.
SeriesCoefficientRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
SeriesFunctions |
SetSpec |
A Set specification definition for number of elements in a set.
SetSpecification |
Share |
Try to share common sub-IASTs expressions with the same object-id internally to
minimize memory consumption.
Show2SVG |
Show3D2ThreeJS |
SidesFunctions |
SimpleUnitSystem |
Reference implementation of UnitSystem with emphasis on simplicity
SimplifyFunctions |
SimplifyFunctions.SimplifiedResult |
SincRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
SinhRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
SinRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
Solve |
Solve(equations, vars)
Solve.IsWrongSolveExpression |
Check an expression, if it's an allowed object.
Solve.NoSolution |
Solve.SolveData |
SolveUtils |
SortedMultiset<T extends Comparable<T>> |
A multiset with a sort relation between elements.
The sorting of elements has the following consequences: - elements must be Comparable -
SortedMaps are a bit slower than HashMaps - output of sorted multisets looks nicer than that of
unsorted multisets
SortedMultiset_BottomUp<T extends Comparable<T>> |
A sorted set of elements with multiple occurrences, sorted smallest elements first.
SortedMultiset_TopDown<T extends Comparable<T>> |
A sorted set of elements with multiple occurrences, sorted biggest elements first.
SourceCodeFunctions |
SourceCodeProperties |
Define properties how to generate Java, Scala or other source codes from Symja expressions.
SourceCodeProperties.Prefix |
SparseArrayExpr |
Sparse array implementation.
SparseArrayExpr.SparseExprMatrix |
This class implements the FieldMatrix interface with a SparseArrayExpr backing
SparseArrayExpr.SparseExprVector |
This class implements the FieldVector interface with a SparseArrayExpr backing
SparseArrayFunctions |
SpecialFunctions |
SpectrogramArray |
SphericalBesselJRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
SphericalBesselYRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
SphericalHarmonicYRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
StandardDeviationRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
StatisticsFunctions |
StatisticsFunctions.Median |
StieltjesGammaRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
StrictColorDataIndexed |
Reference implementation of a ColorDataIndexed with strict indexing
color indices are required to be in the range 0, 1, ..., tensor.length() - 1
StringFunctions |
StringX |
A concrete IString implementation
StructureFunctions |
StructureFunctions.LeafCount |
Count the number of leaves of an expression.
StruveHRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
StruveLRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
Sum |
Sum(expr, {i, imin, imax})
SumRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
Symbol |
SymbolicAlgebraicNotInvertibleException |
Algebraic number NotInvertibleException class.
SymbolicMonomial |
Monomial class.
SymbolicPolynomial |
GenPolynomial generic polynomials implementing RingElem.
SymbolicPolynomial.SymbolicPolyIterator |
Iterator over monomials of a polynomial.
SymbolicPolynomialRing |
GenPolynomialRing generic polynomial factory implementing ExprRingFactory; Factory for n-variate
ordered polynomials over C with Java IExpr exponents.
SymbolicTermOrder |
Term order class for ordered polynomials.
SymbolicTermOrder.EVComparator |
Comparator for ExpVectors.
SymbolicTermOrderByName |
Term order names for ordered polynomials.
SymjaInterpreter |
Evaluate a Symja expression
SymjaMathException |
TanhRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
TanRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
Taylor |
Power series expansion with Taylor formula
TensorFunctions |
Tensors |
Provide builder methods for creating dense tensor arrays.
TensorScalarFunction |
Serializable function that maps a IAST to a Scalar
TensorUnaryOperator |
interface for serializable functions that map a IAST to another IAST
TernaryFunction |
Tester |
The Tester defines a pattern matching rule set.
TestReportObjectExpr |
TestResultObjectExpr |
TeXFormFactory |
Generates TeX presentation output.
TeXFormFactory.D |
TeXFormFactory.TeXFunction |
TeXFormOperator |
TexFormSymbolOptions |
TeXParser |
TeXScanner |
TeXSyntaxError |
Exception for a syntax error detected by the Symja parsers
TeXUtilities |
Convert an expression into TeX output
ThrowException |
Exception for the Throw
TimeConstrainedEvaluator |
Run the evaluation of a given math formula String in a time limited thread
TimeObjectExpr |
TimeoutException |
ToggleFeature |
Toggle a new experimental Symja function ON or OFF, usually by changing the method
implementations of the IFunctionEvaluator interface according to the defined
"toggle flag".
ToIntervalDataRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
TraceStack |
Traversal |
TrigExpand |
TrigReduce |
TrigSimplifyFu |
TrigToExp |
UnaryBinaryFunction |
UnaryBindIth |
Clone a given AST and set the i-th argument of the new AST to arg in the apply
UnaryCompiled |
Unary numerical function for functions like Plot
UnaryFunction |
UnaryNumerical |
Unary numerical function for functions like Plot
UnaryVariable2Slot |
Unicode |
UnitConvert |
UnitSystem |
UnitSystem is an operator that maps a given IQuantity to a IQuantity that makes
use only of standard units defined by the unit system.
UnitTestingFunctions |
UtilityFunctionCtors |
UtilityFunctionCtors.EqQ |
UtilityFunctions |
Validate |
Static methods to be called at the start of the built-in IFunctionEvaluator#evaluate()
methods to verify correct arguments and state.
ValidateException |
Base exception for validating function arguments
ValueError |
Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).
VariablesSet |
Determine the variable symbols from a Symja expression and store them internally in a
java.util.Set .
Vector1Norm |
vector 1-norm
||{a, b, c}||_1 = |a| + |b| + |c|
Vector2Norm |
Euclidean norm
||{a, b, c}||_2 = Sqrt[a^2 + b^2 + c^2]
Vector2NormSquared |
Euclidean norm squared
||{a, b, c}||_2^2 = a^2 + b^2 + c^2
Vector3d |
A three-element vector.
VectorAnalysisFunctions |
VisitorBooleanLevelSpecification |
A level specification visitor for levels in abstract syntax trees (AST).
VisitorCollectionBoolean<T extends IExpr> |
VisitorExpr |
Visit every node of an IExpr expression.
VisitorLevelSpecification |
A level specification visitor for levels in abstract syntax trees (AST).
VisitorPlusTimesPowerReplaceAll |
Replace all occurrences of expressions where the given function.apply() method
returns a non F.NIL value.
VisitorPredicate |
VisitorPredicateReplaceAll |
Replace all occurrences of expressions where the given function.apply() method
returns a non F.NIL value.
VisitorRemoveLevelSpecification |
A level specification visitor for levels in abstract syntax trees (AST), which removes elements
from a (cloned) AST in the visit(IAST clonedAST) method.
VisitorRemoveLevelSpecification.StopException |
StopException will be thrown, if maximum number of Cases results are reached
VisitorReplaceAll |
Replace all occurrences of expressions where the given function.apply() method
returns a non F.NIL value.
VisitorReplaceAllBFS |
Replace all occurrences in breath first search of expressions where the given
function.apply() method returns a non F.NIL value.
VisitorReplaceAllDFS |
Replace all occurrences in depth first search of expressions where the given
function.apply() method returns a non F.NIL value.
VisitorReplaceAllWithPatternFlags |
Replace all occurrences of expressions where the given function.apply() method
returns a non F.NIL value.
VisitorReplaceArgs |
Replace all occurrences of expressions with the slot at that position in the AST list.
VisitorReplaceEvalf |
Replace all non numeric expressions where the given function.apply() method returns
a non F.NIL value.
VisitorReplacePart |
Visitor for the ReplacePart() function
VisitorReplaceSlots |
Replace all occurrences of Slot[] expressions.
WhittakerMRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
WhittakerWRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .
WindowClosed |
WindowFunctions |
WindowFunctions.WindowFunction |
WL |
Methods for handling the WXF serialization format.
WolframFormFactory |
WriterOutputStream |
WXFFunctions |
ZetaJS |
ZTransform |
ZTransformRules |
Generated by org.matheclipse.core.preprocessor.RulePreprocessor .