Class LinearAlgebra.Det

    • Constructor Detail

      • Det

        public Det()
    • Method Detail

      • matrixEval

        public IExpr matrixEval​(org.hipparchus.linear.FieldMatrix<IExpr> matrix,
                                Predicate<IExpr> zeroChecker)
        Description copied from class: AbstractMatrix1Expr
        Evaluate the symbolic matrix for this algorithm.
        Specified by:
        matrixEval in class AbstractMatrix1Expr
        matrix - the matrix which contains symbolic values
        zeroChecker - test if a calculation is 0.
        F.NIL if the evaluation isn't possible
      • realMatrixEval

        public IExpr realMatrixEval​(org.hipparchus.linear.RealMatrix matrix,
                                    EvalEngine engine)
        Description copied from class: AbstractMatrix1Expr
        Evaluate the numeric matrix for this algorithm.
        Specified by:
        realMatrixEval in class AbstractMatrix1Expr
        matrix - the matrix which contains numeric values
        engine - TODO
        F.NIL if the evaluation isn't possible