PollardRho |
From: http://www.cs.princeton.edu/introcs/79crypto/PollardRho.java
(INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne)
Pollards Rho method.
PollardRho_ProductGcd |
Pollard's Rho algorithm improved by doing the GCD on products.
PollardRho31 |
31-bit implementation of Pollard' Rho method.
PollardRhoBrent |
Brents's improvement of Pollard's Rho algorithm, following [Richard P.
PollardRhoBrent31 |
Brents's improvement of Pollard's Rho algorithm, following [Richard P.
PollardRhoBrentMontgomery63 |
Brents's improvement of Pollard's Rho algorithm using Montgomery multiplication.
PollardRhoBrentMontgomery64 |
Brents's improvement of Pollard's Rho algorithm using Montgomery multiplication.
PollardRhoBrentMontgomeryR64Mul63 |
Brents's improvement of Pollard's Rho algorithm using Montgomery multiplication.