IsSqrt_Test |
Analyze the moduli of a-values that help the Lehman algorithm to find factors.
Lehman_AnalyzeCongruences |
Analyze the moduli of a-values that help the Lehman algorithm to find factors.
Lehman_AnalyzeCongruences2 |
Analyze a-values that help the Lehman algorithm to find factors, modulo powers of 2.
Lehman_AnalyzeKFactoringMostN |
Try to find the best k-sequence.
Lehman_AnalyzeKFactoringSameN |
Analyze the frequency with which different k find a factor.
Lehman_AnalyzeKMods |
Analyze the frequency with which different k-moduli % MOD find a factor.
Lehman_AnalyzeKProgressions |
Analyze the frequency with which different arithmetic progressions (k = start + step*m) find a factor.
Lehman_AnalyzeKProgressions2 |
Analyze the frequency with which different arithmetic progressions (k = start + step*m) find a factor.
Lehman_AnalyzeKStructure |
Analyze the frequency with which different k find a factor.
Lehman_AnalyzeModPowersOf2 |
Analyze quadratic residues of a^2 - 4kN (mod m) for m=2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,...
Lehman_AnalyzeSpecialArguments |
Lehman analyzer that finds the correct k- and a-values of inputs other algorithms can not cope with.
Lehman_CustomKOrder |
A variant of Lehman's algorithm that allows to arrange the k's in arrays of different "performance levels".
Lehman_Fast |
Fast implementation of Lehman's factor algorithm.
Lehman_Simple |
Simple implementation of Lehmans factor algorithm,
using fast inverse trial division.
Lehman_Smith |
An attempt to reproduce Warren D.